Tournament® - Competition Administration Program
The culmination of seven years of research and development, this program will handle all administrative aspects of a Pistol or Rifle competition! You may explore its amazing versatility, time-saving features and letter-perfect report generation at the Official Tournament Website. You gotta see it to believe it!
Take me to the Official Tournament Website!

Score Cards for a 2700 Pistol Tournament
All you need is legal-sized paper and you can print out these score cards, 4 cards to the page. Bring the three printouts to your local copy or print house and have them printed on colored paper or cardstock and cut and you will be running one classy match.
Download the Tournament Score Cards

Range Officer's Outline & Checklist for a 2700
Having a simple, yet complete outline of the program for a 2700 makes calling a match a pleasure, and helps prevent embarrassing mistakes that frustrate the competitors. This MS Word Document serves as both an outline and a checklist for your range officer.
Download the Range Officer's Outline/Checklist

Mechanical Range Officer - MP3 Files
While this is not an option for Sanctioned 2700 Competitions, less formal practice sessions and gallery league competitions may be controlled with mechanical range commands. These two .MP3 Audio files contain the commands for operating either a string of timed or rapid fire, respectively.
Download the Timed Fire MP3,or the Rapid Fire MP3

Sample By-Laws for an NRA-Sanctioned League
NRA Sanctioned Leagues make up a large percentage of the participation of competitive shooters. They are tremendous for introducing new shooters to the sport and offering competitive practice during the off-season. However, setting up teams and administration for a Sanctioned League can be quite a chore. This MS Word Document contains a recent edition of the by-laws of a 55 year-old League that can well serve as a foundation for your own League's operating guidelines.
Download Sample NRA-Sanctioned League By-Laws