Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
The Wheel of Misfortune
Every day of the shooter's life brings a new lesson.
Identifying errors are crucial in order that these lessons be
learned. The following chart can help pinpoint such basic flaws
in a shooter's technique by analyzing group locations. As
printed, it is for a right-handed shooter. (A left-hander's chart
would be mirrored horizontally.)

Top Eleven Bad Habits of
- Not Looking at the Sights. This quite frequently is
listed as "looking at the target." A shooter
may be focusing his eye on neither the sights nor the
target, but since he does not see the target in clear
focus he assumes he is looking at the sights. You must
concentrate on sight alignment.
- Holding Too Long. Any adverse conditions that interrupt a
shooter's ability to "hold" will cause him to
delay his squeeze, waiting for conditions to better. The
disturbing factor about this is that you will do it
unconsciously; therefore, you must continuously ask
yourself, am I being too particular?
- Improper Grip or Position. Suffice to say that you cannot
fire a decent score with any gun at any range if you
continually change your grip or position.
- Jerk or Heel. The application of pressure either with the
trigger finger alone or in case of the heel, pushing with
the heel of the hand at the same time. Apply pressure to
the trigger straight to the rear and wait for the shot to
- Anticipation. Anticipation can cause muscular reflexes of
an instant nature that so closely coincide with recoil
that extreme difficulty is experienced in making an
accurate call. Anticipation is also the sire to
- Loss of Concentration. If the shooter fails in his
determination to apply positive pressure on the trigger
while concentrating on the front sight his prior
determination needs renewal and he should rest and start
- Anxiety. You work and work on a shot, meanwhile building
up in your mind doubt about the shot being good. Finally
you shoot just to get rid of that particular round so you
may work on the others.
- Vacillation (Plain Laziness). This is a mental fault more
than a physical one, which results in your accepting
minor imperfections in your performance which you could
correct if you worked a little harder. The end result
being you hope you get a good shot. Just like you hope
you will get a gratis tax refund, and you will get one
just about as frequently as you get the other.
- Lack of Follow Through. Follow through is the
subconscious attempt to keep everything just as it was at
the time the shot broke. In other words you are
continuing to fire the shot even after it is gone. Follow
through is not to be confused with recovery. Merely
recovering and holding on the target after the shot is no
indication that you are following through.
- Lack of Rhythm. Hesitancy on the first shot or any
subsequent shot in timed or rapid fire. Develop a good
rhythm and then have the fortitude to employ it every
case. Frequently many shooters will have fine rhythm
until the last shot of a string and then hesitate,
doctoring up that last shot.
- Match Pressure. If there are 200 competitors in a match,
rest assured that there are 200 shooters suffering from
match pressure. So what makes you think you are so
different? If you are exerting all your mental energy
toward executing the correct fundamentals rather than the
arithmetic evaluation, your shooting match pressure will
be what you feel when people congratulate you on a fine